This Dude Can Draw 
Sports Bar Art
 Sports Bar Art now
   for sale on Ebay  and Etsy

Just click the link to check out all of my drawings and reprints I now have for sale at my Etsy shop.
Only $6 will get you a one of a kind Baltimore's Finest wrist band named to be associated with the design I created of the Raven/Oriole bird (copyright) Written on the reverse side of the band is Greg York's SportsBarArt, which represents the style of art that I've created. If your a fan of the O's and  Ravens or just want everyone to know your one of Baltimore's Finest this wristband is a must have. Click the link below to purchase from my Ebay shop.

Baltimore's Finest T-shirts are finally here! One of a kind T-shirt designed (copyright image 2011)  by me, artist Greg York and the only place you can get it is my ebay shop. Get there and get yourself  this t-shirt that represents the best of Baltimore. Just click the link below. Don't forget the Baltimore's Finest wristband that goes with it.